Thursday, September 25, 2008


Living here in Queen Creek, we have an advantage of planting crops in the spring and fall. Our spring garden produced corn, peas, bell peppers, carrots, lettuce, onions, & squash X30. Who knew that one squash plant could feed an entire family? Well, we love squash and I’ll just say that I emptied the (2) seed packets of all their content. We had enough squash to feed the entire ward plus put away for their year supply.
This season, we are trying to grow some corn, tomatoes, cucumber, peas, Watermelon, squash, Zucchini, Cantaloupe, and Pumpkin.

Growing a garden is so much easier than I remember growing up. We were in charge of the weeding. My sisters (you know the two) would tell you that I always used the excuse that I was allergic to the weeds and would get out of it. But trust me; I did my share of weedin’. In fact, I think that I may have had to weed my row and tidy up my sister’s rows of any extra weeds that they missed (it was surprisingly a lot). Yes, I was the Cinderella in my time… but I did end up with the Prince and that’s all that matters.